Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/13 Christian Inpirations/Thoughts of the Day:


  • God greatly humbles the heart of those whom He will use greatly. If you want to be used greatly for God get ready to be humbled greatly! 
  • God brings us to the end of ourselves and rids us of ourselves so that He can live in us. God wants His body to be whole, pure, and holy to glorify Him in us. In and of ourselves we are "useless." In the Bible Apostle Paul says apart from God we can do no good thing. So If you are being humbled by God this is "Good News" because God works on His own within the church first, and then to the world. Humility during brokenness or times of trials is a sign that God is working in your life and giving you a story to share with others. We can't share our story with others of how God is changing us and currently working in our lives if we have no story. 
  • We must first open ourselves to His changing so that we can be in a position to share this with others and have an impact on others. This is the calling to every believer. Will we accept the call and submit to Him and what he is doing in our lives? I say yes because I want to know God more, I want the best of what God has for me, and I know that in and of myself apart from Christ I have nothing, I am nothing without Him. It is important to me that others hear the message of Christ and receive His love. I want others to experience this same love and what Christ has done for me; especially my family, husband, children-- I love experiencing Christ with them because we are all on the same page and His love brings us closer.... I count the cost because no amount of my own life, my own pride, doing things my way is anything compared to the Glorious riches I experience in Christ. 

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