Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Ok to Share our Weeknesses in order to encourage others How We have Overcome Through Christ!

Sometimes, and very unfortunately, human nature in man to want to see others fall in order to make themselves feel better. However, if we come from the perspective of measuring our standards to "ourselves only," and not others-- and who God made us having the mentality that all creation is lovely, beautiful, and wonderfully made as scripture tells us-- then we will increase in our self-esteem and be less likely to want to see others fall to make ourselves feel better. Remember: Love hopes, believes all things, and believes the best in others, even through their weaknesses. 

On the caution side of this if we share our weakness with someone leaning on them in (co-dependence to solve our every problem) we are not  displaying our godly faith and independence as we should be. They will not respect us later, which is our fault. We can ask others for prayer and support as long as we do so in a healthy manner. 

Lastly, the best time to tell "all" of our weaknesses is when God has overcome through us as a testimony to others of what God can do! (2 Corinthians 13) ---- Food For Thought----

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Getting Ahead in Life by Listening to Your Spouse!

(I wrote this last year, but I Hope you like this blog and benefit from it in some way today as Husband and Wife Blogs are timeless):

Getting Ahead in Life by Listening to Your Spouse!

Wives could get far in life just by listening to a loving husband who knows you better than anyone and can see your situation through clear glasses. By listening to your husband you can avoid 40 years of wandering meaninglessness  in the desert and get to your destination in life much quicker by learning from him. They look at things from a logical point of view, rather than an emotional point of view. In the same way wives can add depth and wisdom to their husbands and help them look smarter in their lives and even get ahead on the job!
Lets look at the main reason why wives do not listen to their husbands. There are two main reasons: Men either go to the extreme of controlling their wives and using the "unhealthy submission" requirement card. Or they do not lead at all, and when they do if they do, having all the right words to say but they show no confidence behind their words and no authority. Wives do not respect a man who has no confidence behind their words. If you don't believe in your words how will she? She is looking for someone to look up to who will convince her.  How can someone else listen and believe you if you do not believe in or listen to yourself.

Here's two things that build up a man's confidence: Work and their Wives. (For men who have military jobs and do not get a lot of encouragement and affirmation at work read my confidence blog on how to obtain confidence even through having a controlling boss.) Wives play a big role in helping their husbands have confidence. Proverbs says a wise woman builds her house up, and a foolish woman insults and tears down her husband. There is a healthy balance of healthy submission in relationships as husbands and wives are one flesh and it is in both their best interest to build one another up.Whatever you invest into your spouse comes back to you as you are one flesh. Wives listen and submit to your husband for success and husbands love your wives like Christ loves the church for success-- you will always recieve much revenue for doing so! ----Food for thought---

Monday, September 10, 2012

Revelation Song Kari Jobe Live

kari jobe (playlist)

Overcome-Song Story


In Christ Alone Worship Video with Lyrics

Faithlife Women's Conference: "I have written your name on the palms of my hands" NLT

The Truth Shall Set You Free
Today is in God's hands and so are you.
God's hands are strong and will uphold you;
God's hands are great and will enfold you;
God's hands are gentle and will embrace you;
God's hands are protective and will cover you;
God's hands are reassuring and will quiet you;
God's hands are powerful and will defend you;
God's hands are parental and will train you;
God's hands are masterful and will conform
God's hands are compassionate and will care for you;
God's hands are healing and will renew you;
God's hands are calming and will comfort you;
God's hands are giving and will bless you.

"I have written your name on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16b (GNT)

The hands that hold you will never let you down.

God bless you.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Food For Thought on Child Self-Esteem

The case study I was working on tonight reminded me of a child seminar that Tracy and I taught on child and family self-esteem. One thing that stood out me was giving your child responsiblities/ disciplines in the home, his school, a musical talent (they were asked to come up to the class and tell a skill they've learned and what they are working on next to increase their skill, and who they are going to learn from giving them gratitude and thankfulness for teaching them that skill), sportsmanship, serving the church, and the community in some capacity in order to give him or her a proper self-esteem. Children with proper self-esteem are more likely to work well with others and learn emotional intelligence and contribute more to others. They will less likely be timid, over-confident, stagnant, demanding, or bratty. They will have more of a well-balanced temperament and attitude and be more apt to have initiative (which essentially is one who has leadership servant skills) if they are taught to serve and work well with others as a child.---- Food For Thought!

Whatever you can do or dream you can, BEGIN IT. Boldness HAS GENIUS, Power and MAGIC IN IT! --GOETHE

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tracy's Response to an article: How are we Communicating the Gospel?

 The questions and issues for lost people have changed. I am not sure that we are listening to the questions any longer. Is it possible that in our efforts to communicate we are simply shouting our answers at a higher pitch?

Sometimes we continue to use old methodologies because they have worked in the past and therefore we resist adapting "new approaches." Some may fear that changing the approach is compromising the message or too much trouble. In the context of the statement “are we listening to the questions any longer”? The author is comparing the modern and postmodern thinking and how the questions raised by both systems are inherently different. 

Modernity is more factual and scientific while postmodernity is subjective, pragmatic, and spiritual (all religions) in its scope. I would say that most Christians approach to evangelism cater to the modern thinking which can be still relevant to those who are older but the younger millennium generation is postmodern in its beliefs. 

Adapting the right approach to reach those with postmodern thinking should not involve compromising the biblical message but rather using the right language and right evangelistic approach. If we wanted to bring the gospel to a different culture we have to learn the language and customs of that culture which entails some training. To reach the postmodern culture we have to learn their language and culture and wisely develop strategies to reach them just as if we were missionaries abroad. 

Another characteristic of the postmodern culture is that they are more relational and want the church to “demonstrate the truth” verses “talk about the truth”. They don’t want a bunch of facts but rather want to know how Christianity can help them in a practical sense. The church loses credibility and integrity with postmodernist when we fail to “love one another” and this invalidates our message. 

The servant evangelism method is a good approach to reach postmodernist because we demonstrate the love of Christ. Most postmodernist will never grace the four walls of a church but rather it will take Christians leaving the comfort and confines of the church and be willing to invade the postmodernist domain. For example, we will have to take a genuine interest in those around us who are lost. In detail, in “Evangelism Is” the authors put forth the excellent idea of concentric circles (p.197). This involves identifying family, relatives, friends, neighbors & associates, acquaintances, and strangers. We write their names down and begin to pray for them and then look for opportunities to serve them. As we build genuine relationships and serve them this builds a bridge where we might be able to demonstrate Christ love and communicate the gospel.

My Husband Tracy Lostaunau in the Newspaper: Division west & the Killeen Herald Paper

Division West NCO reaches for mantle of minister
By Staff Sgt. Tony Foster, Division West Public Affairs
Aug 29, 2012 - 6:02:53 PM
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Blackanthem Military News

Staff Sgt. Tracy Lostaunau, left, a mobilized Army Reserve Soldier who currently works as a chaplain’s assistant and logistics and administrative NCO with First Army Division West’s chaplain’s section, counsel to a Soldier on the Army ACE Suicide Intervention Training Program at the 25th Street Chapel on Fort Hood, Texas 24 Aug. Staff Sgt. Lostaunau is working towards becoming a Christian minister and an Army Reserve chaplain. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Tony Foster, Division West Public Affairs)
FORT HOOD, Texas – Staff Sgt. Tracy Lostaunau is no stranger to a life of service. He is a mobilized Army Reserve Soldier who currently works as a chaplain’s assistant and logistics and administrative NCO with First Army Division West’s chaplain’s section.

Since 1985, serving the Army has been a priority for Lostaunau, but now he is reaching for a life of service in the Christian ministry.

“It’s really a calling, not just a career,” Lostaunau said. “Not a lot of people can do this. First, you have to have a desire and, second, you have a need to do it.”

Lostaunau is an online student with Liberty University, the largest evangelical Christian university in the world, working toward his Master of Divinity degree in chaplaincy.

His civilian schooling is another stepping stone to his ultimate goal of being a minister, yet he still seeks to serve his country further.

“I plan to complete my degree by February 2013 so that I may apply to be an Army Reserve chaplain,” Lostaunau said. “I’m looking forward to a dual-sided ministry; it will be the best of both worlds.”

Also, to become an Army chaplain, he must make the transition from a noncommissioned officer to a commissioned officer. As part of his transition, he must attend the Chaplain Basic Officer Leadership Course, a 12-week course at Fort Jackson, S.C.

“What I’ve learned as an NCO, especially from Division West, will help me in the chaplaincy,” Lostaunau said. “I feel it will give me an edge.”

Military experience is applicable and parallels very well with the life of a minister, Lostaunau said.

“Even in the Bible, it says as a Christian, we are Soldiers in God’s army,” he said.

Being a Soldier has provided Lostaunau the means to achieve his goal of entering the ministry. Completing his degree will give him a wider arsenal of skills and abilities for his future.

“Now that the first stage of my education is coming to a close, I feel equipped to become a minister,” Lostaunau said. “Just like a Soldier who wants to be trained before going to battle, I want to be trained for my new task.”

Although military and civilian schools utilize technical and book knowledge, one also needs practical experience to become a good minister, Lostaunau said.

“Life has been the best teacher,” Lostaunau said. “The better you have navigated through life, the better minister you will be.”

Many young people complete school and go straight into the ministry, but some choose other routes, Lostaunau said. Since the age of 19, he has known that he would lead a life of service to the Lord as a minister. However, life led him down a different path leading to the same destination.        

“I’ve gotten a later start in my pursuit of being a minister, but it has allowed time to develop my character,” he said. “I’ve raised a Family, worked jobs and done many things that would prepare me for the ministry.”

Lostaunau has been married for 17 years and has two daughters. He feels that his life experiences will enhance his future role as a minister and chaplain.

“As a chaplain’s assistant, I’ve spent many years counseling marriages,” he said, “and because I have a successful marriage and successful children, I’m able to help others do the same.”

Lostaunau knows that a minister must wear many hats and have a broad range of knowledge to be competent and effective.

“It’s not just about preaching and teaching,” he said. “A minister has to do operations, logistics, administration and counseling.”

With all these different roles and duties, a minister must be a person of worth and a receptive temperament as well.

“Ministry calls for a lot of maturity and tests in life,” Lostaunau said. “All of us must get tested in the fire with our character. You need good character and integrity to be a good minister and chaplain.”

As Lostaunau comes closer to achieving his dream, he must step from one world to another.

“After my mobilization with Division West,” he said, “I will go on to become an assistant pastor or do clinical pastoral work with a hospital, alongside becoming an Army Reserve chaplain.”

He will leave Division West, where he has served for the past four years.

“He will be leaving some big shoes to fill,” said Chap. (Maj.) Eric Smith, a Division West plans and operations chaplain. “Staff Sgt. Lostaunau has a very caring heart, is service-oriented and will serve out of the goodness of his heart because he enjoys ministering to others.”

When asked what he was expecting upon entering his future position as a minister and chaplain, his response was that of a true citizen-Soldier.

“I’m very excited about going into the ministry,” Lostaunau said. “It’s all about serving others, and that’s something that the military teaches also. I serve God, my Family and my country.”


Staff Sgt. Tracy Lostaunau, a mobilized Army Reserve Soldier who works as a chaplain’s assistant with First Army Division West’s chaplain’s section, gives a sermon about believing in God and spiritual endurance to a congregation of Soldiers at the 25th Street Chapel on Fort Hood, Texas 22 Aug. Staff Sgt. Lostaunau is working towards becoming a Christian minister and an Army Reserve chaplain. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Tony Foster, Division West Public Affairs)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This is Our Daughter Ashley in Her Uniform at the Naval Academy!

Ashley is a Senior at the Academy studying Chemistry! She is the one in the Middle with Blonde hair. 
She Has been been chosen as the XO Commander in charge of her Company. 
She says leading is no easy task while but she does it with the Strength of the Lord an relies on Him for everything! 

Be Transparent With Your Kids; Especially in this Generation

                A Nugget of Wisdom in Child Rearing 

Never put up a false pretension of perfectionism with your kids. On the contrary, be honest and open about your struggles and God's power in you to overcome! This generation especially wants something that is deep and real.  As they see the real you they follow "who" you are; not who you appear to be. Kids are smarter than you think. Model a soft heart of genuinity, transparency & kindness to them. * A hard heart creates pride and unkindness and is a root to many strongholds of sin; as it also puts a "cork" on us recieving the filling of Christs presence and being filled to the uttermost with His radiating beauty! ♥



“For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it.” - King Solomon

Trusting in God is the basic fundamentals of wisdom. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs 1:7). If we fear God than we will trust Him. True wisdom comes only from understanding who God is and that He is holy, just, and righteous. Seek wisdom from God through wise counsel and prayer in our everyday dealings with others and in our life. Wisdom and understanding are BETTER than gold and silver.

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23 says,).

If we want to have life flowing to and from us, we MUST guard our hearts against judgmental, critical and suspicious thoughts. Trust and faith bring joy to life and help relationships grow to their maximum potential. Criticism and suspicion are deleterious to a relationship; crippling an entire relationship and usually destroying it. A critical spirit is distorted thinking; a bi-product of pride and/or derived from our limited and predisposed negative point of view; based upon our limited world of past disappointments and/or bad experiences. A critical spirit is devoid of faith. The Bible tells us to love and believe in one another. "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance" (1 Corinthians 13:7).

A balanced attitude is always the best protocol. We can use wisdom and discernment in our dealings with others but our wisdom and discernment must come directly from God; out of a "pure" motive of wanting the best for others including blessing our enemies. Sometimes people think they have discernment when actually they are just being suspicious of others. True discernment discerns both good and bad; suspicion just finds bad. We must pray for the true gifts, not flesh that masquerades as gifts of the Spirit. True spiritual discernment will provoke prayer, not gossip. There are times when I have had discernment and I have kept quiet and just prayed for years till I saw God move in the situation as I know He is always the best judge; even if I think I know better. Other times I have taken situations in my own hands and saw little improvement or transient superficial improvement. Why do we so easily take things into our own hands walking in our flesh? The Answer: It takes faith to trust in a God that we can't see and leave things in His hands, and trust that He will take care of others better than we can. Most often we believe that we could do a better job than God. No one is exempt from this; we are all challenged with this on a daily basis if were not careful.

If a genuine problem is being discerned by a genuine gift, it will follow the scriptural pattern for dealing with it, not the fleshly ways that only spread and compound the problem. In addition, discernment without love is like a clanging symbol; even the gift of discernment calls for the proper spiritual protocol in its dealings! "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries, and ALL KNOWLEDGE, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not LOVE, I am nothing" (NIV, Corinthians 13:2).

In conclusion, our thoughts are silent words that only we and the Lord hear, but those words affect our inner man, our attitude, our joy and our health. When we begin to operate in the mind of Christ, we will step into a whole new realm of living. It all starts in our mind and our dealings with negative thoughts taking them "captive to the mind of Christ" and demolishing every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ " (NASB, 2 Corinthians 10:5). Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" (Phillipians 4:8).

                                                               ---Nuggets of Wisdom By: Ciria Lostaunau

Friday, May 11, 2012

Marriage Tips Ispired by the "4 Horseman of the Apocalypse"

Speak well of your spouse; praise them, love them, believe in them, and give them a verbal rose; a compliment or an edifying word. Afterall, if you don't love them, support them, and believe in them who will?  Another important tip for a strong and unified marriage is not allowing anyone to speak badly of your spouse including yourself and do not join in with someone who does. 

So often marriages give into this and it puts a barrier between you and your spouse and allows others with bad intentions to come in and "meddle" in your marriage(could be old friends, In-laws, relatives, co-workers etc.). If someone else speaks badly of your spouse you must stick up for them; you are one flesh! Guard your marriage and guard your heart. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.  6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mathew 19:5-6).}  

Do not allow words of discord or criticism to come in and taint your thinking about your spouse.  Negative words are poison to your marriage. A wise woman "Builds up her house and does not tear it down." Build up your spouse and think and speak well of them. Remember, when they do something you don't like call them on their "action" do not "label" them as a certain kind of person according to their action. This is labeling and name calling; which is unacceptable. Name calling and labeling "locks" them into a certain "role" and makes it harder for them to overcome that action. 

Just a simple reminder to love your spouse and protect your marriage keeping it strong as you are one!    

 *FOOD FOR THOUGHT* *More to come on this subject!