Thursday, September 27, 2012

Getting Ahead in Life by Listening to Your Spouse!

(I wrote this last year, but I Hope you like this blog and benefit from it in some way today as Husband and Wife Blogs are timeless):

Getting Ahead in Life by Listening to Your Spouse!

Wives could get far in life just by listening to a loving husband who knows you better than anyone and can see your situation through clear glasses. By listening to your husband you can avoid 40 years of wandering meaninglessness  in the desert and get to your destination in life much quicker by learning from him. They look at things from a logical point of view, rather than an emotional point of view. In the same way wives can add depth and wisdom to their husbands and help them look smarter in their lives and even get ahead on the job!
Lets look at the main reason why wives do not listen to their husbands. There are two main reasons: Men either go to the extreme of controlling their wives and using the "unhealthy submission" requirement card. Or they do not lead at all, and when they do if they do, having all the right words to say but they show no confidence behind their words and no authority. Wives do not respect a man who has no confidence behind their words. If you don't believe in your words how will she? She is looking for someone to look up to who will convince her.  How can someone else listen and believe you if you do not believe in or listen to yourself.

Here's two things that build up a man's confidence: Work and their Wives. (For men who have military jobs and do not get a lot of encouragement and affirmation at work read my confidence blog on how to obtain confidence even through having a controlling boss.) Wives play a big role in helping their husbands have confidence. Proverbs says a wise woman builds her house up, and a foolish woman insults and tears down her husband. There is a healthy balance of healthy submission in relationships as husbands and wives are one flesh and it is in both their best interest to build one another up.Whatever you invest into your spouse comes back to you as you are one flesh. Wives listen and submit to your husband for success and husbands love your wives like Christ loves the church for success-- you will always recieve much revenue for doing so! ----Food for thought---

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